Hilton New Orleans Riverside New Orleans, LA
june 4 - 9
wells fargo national jr investment competition
Overview: To increase Economic Empowerment within the underserved, underrepresented minority communities, the 100 Black Men of America, Inc. continues to build on its efforts, with a focus on investment. The goals and objectives of the Junior Investment Program are to provide education and awareness for youth around investment and the stock market; to provide education and awareness for youth around the need of an emergency fund; to encourage students to open an investment account; and to provide financial resources to 100 Black Men chapters as a means of increasing chapter capacity.
During the National Competition, five (5) finalist teams will compete for their chance to win monetary prizes and earn the Championship title.
1st Place Team = $1,500
2nd Place Team = $750
3rd Place Team = $500
Participants may range in age 11 - 18 years Student/Mentee = 2 Alternate = 1
Brace B. Godfrey, Jr. African American History Challenge
Overview: The 100 Black Men of America, Inc., established and implemented the Brace B. Godfrey, Jr. African American History Challenge Youth Competition as an innovative, relevant, and exciting way for our mentees to learn about the trials and triumphs of their ancestors. Knowledge is indeed power! As our students learn for themselves, the facts about the roles and contributions of their ancestors, to the building and growth of America, they will be empowered to reverse the ignorance previously taught and reject any future erroneous teachings.
Through the sponsorship of our partner, attendees will get to witness the finalist Junior and Senior Division teams compete for their chance to win cash prizes, scholarships, trophies, mediations, and earn the title, Champions.
Junior Division (Middle School) Student/Mentee = 2 Alternate = 1
Senior Division (High School) Student/Mentee = 2 Alternate = 1